Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Score Guide

                 This is the Score Guide from my score system that I am putting on games that I am playing.  Now take a look at the scale.  

  1. This game is crap.  It is not even worth your time or money. (I don't expect to see many if any games that I play receive this score.)
  2. Intriguing enough to try but not a game I would recommend to others to play.
  3. A fun game that may lack depth.  Worth a rental but not worth buying.
  4. Definitely give this game a try but wait until it's cheap to actually buy.
  5. Must play.  Why haven't you bought it yet?
                 As you can see the scale doesn't necessarily reflect if a game is good or bad rather just if you should play it, rent it or buy it.  So as to say even if a game gets a two doesn't mean the game was bad I just wouldn't buy it or rent it and it wasn't so great as to go tell others that they should either.  However mind you this doesn't say that you shouldn't play a game that gets a score of two it can still be a good game.  The games to avoid will be a game with a score of one.  

                Hopefully you can see where I am going with this score guide.  May be it's not very clear but I wanted something simple that could easily apply to any games I play.  If you are confused or have comments let me know below. 


On a side note even though I rent games, any games that I do buy I only buy new.  I like to support the developers and publishers of my favorite games.  I do not like to by used and I am against getting ripped off by trading my games back in for someone else to buy used. 

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