Tuesday, September 10, 2013

XBOX ONE Releases Friday November 22, 2013

               Okay so this is old news and everyone should know this date by now as it was announced a week ago.  But I had a late start with my blog so I am going to repeat the news anyway.  Xbox One releasing 11-22-13 or 22.11.13 for those that date that way with come out exactly eight years after the Xbox 360 to the day no less.  Wow, eight years of Xbox 360 and Microsoft has said they will support the system for another THREE years.  Eleven years is a long cycle for a system. 

                I have been waiting a long while to finally hear the announcement for the release date of the Xbox One and now it's finally here, presented last week in a nonchalant morning video post, but whatever. I guess I get that Microsoft was waiting until they Xbox One was ready to be in the full production mode.  And I do think that Microsoft  managing their pre-order allocations will be a good move to have a successful launch.

                 I remember the Xbox 360 launch.  My best friend and I didn't get our Xbox 360's until January 1, 2006.  I specifically remember this date due to the fact that we left a New Years Eve party to go put in for a drawing at our Wal-mart for a chance to get to purchase the Xbox 360.  We brought my dad and my girlfriend so we could get four draws so we didn't get shafted with the Xbox 360 Core.  What a terrible model.  Even the 20 GB doesn't seem very great now but at least it had a hard drive.  And memory ports.  After my Xbox 360 console and hard drive fried I got a Xbox 360 Slim 250 GB and I looked for a good five minutes for the memory ports to pop in all that I had left from my old console onto the new one before realizing they didn't include the memory ports onto the new Slim model.  Not cool Microsoft especially since the original Xbox didn't have powered USB ports.   Compatibility issues abound but I managed.    
Benefits of the Slim
Smaller, good
Actually cools, good
Doesn't make so much damned noise, good
No annoying memory ports, good, wait WTF! who thought that we should do away with memory ports

                Anyway with the launch date announced I can finally finalize some pre-orders and figure out a final set of games I'll be getting.  I will go into detail on the launch games I am getting in a latter post. 

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